Shout by FinFan

I certainly enjoyed the coming together of Picard, Riker and Troi. Those were great scenes. At the same time it showed me again I care less about the new characters. And how is this for people who don't know TNG ?
The revelation that Jurati was planted was no surprise as I suspected that from the beginning. A Vulcan forcing a mind meld was a surprise and I wonder where the information about that future comes from. Was it just a trick to lure Jurati in ? Or will there be some form of time travel involved ? I would have hoped Jurati would kill herself instead of just putting her into a coma.
And if I could make a guess in general, I think Picard is going to die at the end of the show. Whenever that may be.

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@finfan "And how is this for people who don't know TNG?" I'm one of those people. I've never watched Star Trek before and I still agree with you. The chemistry between Picard, Riker and Troi made me care more for them than for the new characters.

@finfan Getting to know and care about the characters was something that the nice long seasons of Trek did well. As I said in my own comment I liked the little Riker girl better than the 3 still on the ship. I kind of like Soji but she was getting on my nerves a bit episode.

@finfan couldn't Oh be feeding false imagery during the mind meld? Can't Vulcans control what the other person sees during a mind meld? I'm not Trekkie enough to know that.

And I hated seeing Riker and Troy together (their relationship always felt forced, to me), but the three of them together... Now, that was great, indeed!

@misnomer Not completely sure but I think they could. But it would be logical to assume that they must believe in that imagery themselve. Otherwise I would argue that the recepiant of the meld would also know it's false.

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Mr. and Mrs. Troi myself but nostalgia wins the day on this one.


but nostalgia wins the day on this one.

True words, my friend. Nostalgia is mostly the only reason why I'm still watching this show, hoping for more yummy TNG cameos... I wonder if Beverly will show up and rekindle the crush I had on her? Teehee!

@misnomer So, there is another thing we have in common. A crush on the Doctor :blush:

@finfan Eheh! Everyone used to drool over Seven of Nine and I was just there, missing my dear Beverly Crusher, at the time... You and I, we know the good stuff ;)

@misnomer What can I say, I always had a thing for redheads.

@finfan Ooooh, another freckles fan? I can totally relate to that, those fiery hairdos are something special, indeed.
