Shout by Emily

Young Adult 2011


Shout by Emily
BlockedParent2020-03-22T13:56:57Z— updated 2020-03-23T17:24:44Z

I think I would have enjoyed this movie more if Mavis wasn't a total bitch. She still could've been a mess without being so mean—it would have made her more relatable and therefore easier to root for.

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@emilyblasik I think that was the point - we aren't supposed to root for every character. The ending proved this.

@adammorgan That's totally fair, I can get on board with that—but I do like to see at least a little bit of growth take place in main characters. And I think she had potential. Her rock bottom moment was very vulnerable for her, and although she came across as a complete shit show to everyone else, she actually opened up and broke down instead of putting on airs. For the first time, I felt sorry for her. I was disappointed that it didn't change anything—she didn't learn anything from her horrible mistakes or grow in the slightest. Perhaps that was the point, but if so, it wasn't my kind of movie.
