One of the most amoral movies i have ever seen! I have no words, it is like in the future if they would make a movie about Breivik killing huge amount of people and then like he was a hero because he was on revenge.
I'm really disgusted at the end of the movie.

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@blueskygeneral Be disgusted, but this is the kind of movie you either can relate to or you can't. It's not painting Jim as a hero here, it's merely showing what happens when someone is pushed to the edge. You should've been disgusted the entire time, not just at the end.

@paulvincent83 Disagree with your statement. In my opinion, you can relate to this movie only if you are psychopathic. Premeditative, cold-blood murder of innocent people in their offices in Action/Thriller movie equal to me to terrorist attacks on schools. Some people relate to them as well but I question their sanity and intelligence.
