[7.0/10] Milder laughs and more questionable developments here than usual, but still a watchable bit of broad but gentle comedy.

I think my favorite of the three stories was Johnny having to speak at the funeral for Bob’s brother, a man he never even met. It’s a solid setup, and Johnny trying to get out of participating, only to be forced into the spotlight, produces some good humorous fretting on his part. That said, the actual speech didn’t get much of a laugh or even a cringe out of me. But Moira’s impromptu “Danny Boy” rendition and reprise later in the episode was a great way to end it.

I don’t know. I get that this is a fundamentally silly show, but when Bob asks someone who didn’t know his brother at all to speak at the wedding, it starts to verge into 1990s sitcom territory where nobody acts like this. The situations don’t feel like exaggerated takes on small-town life, they just feel like random nonsense necessary to move the plot along.

Well...maybe it wasn’t my favorite, heh. I liked David and Stevie’s story reasonably well. I’ll admit, I had assumed that David was gay, so their making out was kind of a surprise to me. I can’t say I want them to become a couple rather than just local BFFs, but I do like their dynamic together, which is more than I can say for any other couple on the show (save for Johnny and Moira), so let’s see how it goes.

Alexis and Ted spending an evening together at Ted’s house was more weak romcom-style humor. The dogs watching them and Alexis’s discomfort was really broad, but I at least like where they landed, with him giving her a book on “caring about something other than yourself” and a night’s stay at a pet-free hotel. They’re still doomed, but you can at least see a decency in the guy she picked.

Overall, this is a weaker one, with an intriguing but unexpected development in the David and Stevie department.

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