Review by BraylonMitch07

Hamilton 2020

Hamilton is fantastic. I never had listened to the music or really knew what Hamilton was about so when I heard it was coming to Disney+ I was very interested to watch it. I guess I never got into the Hamilton craze because I thought I would never get to see it. I have to say it lives up to every bit of hype it gets. The plot is great it’s entertaining and very historic. It may not be historically accurate but it has so many real life historical figures and events that you really have to know the story of the revolutionary war to truly understand it. Hamilton’s story is very interesting and makes an entertaining play/movie.

The acting is terrific Lin-Manuel Miranda and Phillipa Soo give terrific performances. Leslie Odom Jr and Daveed Diggs give great supporting performances. The music is phenomenal every song is incredibly well written and catchy. The opening song “Alexander Hamilton” is a perfect way to start a movie/play and does a great job at introducing the characters. The ending scene is somehow uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time. Technically this isn’t a movie and it’s just a screening of the Broadway but I’ll count it on my 2020 Movies ranked it. Overall Hamilton is a global phenomenon that lived up to the highest expectations I had, if you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it.

(9 out of 10)

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