Review by manicure

Attack on Titan

Season 1

I totally understand the hype created by "Attack on Titan". It's a layered yet not overcomplicated adventure for all ages, full of mysteries and compelling characters. It does not change the rules of "shonen" narrative, but at least avoids bumping into the most annoying stereotypes of the genre.

The real hook of the series is definitely the depth and ambiguity of the characters. On a first look, they all fit into the usual anime stereotypes, but the slow-burning progression of the story allows plenty of time for introspection and character development. Despite the stylized traits, characters feel "human" in their contradictions, with no-one being utterly right about anything.

In the long run, the plot mostly follows conventional paths without any real surprise, but there are times when events take unpredictable turns for the worst. Choices that are suggested as the obviously right thing to do end up leading to tragedies to the point that (almost) none of the characters is truly safe. Other times, the limited understanding of the characters can even change the way certain decisions are being perceived.

The only problem is that after an intense first episode, we have too many fillers and never-ending inner monologues that serve no purpose other than explaining what is obviously happening in front of our eyes. It's not so obvious if you binge-watched the whole season, but there are too many episodes with literally nothing going on. I watched the recap films a few years ago, and it looks like they could smartly sum up the series without missing anything.

Another thing that bothered me is how long characters spend arguing if people died in vain or not. Sure, sacrifice and the value of human life are central themes, but did they really need to digress about it every other episode? Like the continuous inner dialogues: I understand that they can help younger viewers to understand the ambiguity of certain issues, but it can be frustrating at times. They looked more like tricks to buy time and make as many episodes as possible and at the same time stay within the budget and deadlines.

Nevertheless, a good show even for people who are not anime and manga habitués. I just hope it won't develop into a mecha anime with flesh and bone robots.

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