Review by SophieFilo16

Supernatural: Season 15

15x20 Carry On

Y'know, I was kind of generally annoyed at this episode for existing, but then the dog jumped onto Dean's bed, and I couldn't help but smile.

What the actual f*ck?!

Throughout this episode, I started off mad, then I was disappointed, then I didn't have the energy to be anything, and now I'm mad again. I couldn't even feel anything but annoyed at Dean's death because it was so unnecessary, and we didn't even SEE what killed him, and it was just an obvious way for the writers to force an emotional reaction from the viewers. Why the hell did they think we wanted to tune in for an extra week just to watch our characters die?

Y'know, if they had bothered to ask Jack to bring back Eileen and the other hunters, maybe Sam wouldn't be so alone.

So... Wait, what? Cas is around? And he never stopped by or...? WTF?

I'm just. I don't even know what to say about this. I... This was not a good final season, and this finale episode was just made to tug at the audience's emotions and nothing more. Sam got kind of a happy ending, though he clearly suffered over the loss of his brother and EVERYONE else he'd ever known. We didn't even get a cameo of Jack or Cas. It makes no sense why the other hunters weren't brought back. I don't know, maybe Chuck had returned them to a world that didn't exist anymore, so it wasn't possible to bring them back? I'm just...deeply disappointed but not even as much as I should be because Supernatural has been declining in quality for years. With each passing episode of this season, it became clearer and clearer that the ending wouldn't be well-paced and well-written like we deserved. It's not the worst season of this show or even the second or third worst. But it is one of the worst final seasons I've seen of a show that has lasted so long. Really, they should have just dropped the idea of Chuck as the big bad this season and just made this a collection of monster-of-the-weeks with a familiar face starring in each episode, building up to a final farewell to the Winchester brothers who happily and without regret sacrifice themselves for the greater good. And then Jack and Cas visit them in heaven, and maybe Jack (and perhaps Cas) continues hunting with the possibility of teaching the next generation of hunters. Or they rebuild heaven, creating more angels who will encourage free will and peace.
I'm honestly not even sad Supernatural is over. With writing like we've had for the past few seasons, it was only a matter of time. I just think we deserved better than what we got. The characters deserved better than what they got. I give this episode a 4/10 because the emotional ploys didn't work on me, leaving me bored and annoyed at this episode that served as a poor finale (I'm especially bitter that last episode gave us a rushed conclusion to the biggest plot of the entire show, but we got a full episode of two guys dying this episode). The season overall, I give a 5/10. Maybe a 6 if I'm feeling generous, but right now, I'm not...


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Hi, Majo! I noticed you liking all my Supernatural comments. Congrats (or condolences) on making it to the end...
