OK, now I am lost a bit. On the one side we learn what happened and why. And that she in fact didn't steal Visions body but re-created him. I get that. But why did it MAKE her The Scarlett Witch ? Wasn't she always ?

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@finfan She always had her powers, but she only just now became the Scarlet Witch because she finally reached the true potential of her powers. Now, she's able to use her powers to not just effortlessly control the minds of everyone in a city, but she can now use her powers to create matter from nothing and resurrect the dead.

@isdamc I see, thank you.

@finfan in comics, since the recent retcon of 2015/2016, the Scarlet Witch is a title, there was Scarlet Witches before Wanda. In the MCU, she had no superhero name before today.In the comics, her mother was Scarlet Witch before her, and there was many Scarlet Witches before that. And Scarlet Witch is not a mutant in the comics and Magneto is not her father. All that since the retcon of 2015/2016.

@nicknightingale Thanks for the reply
