Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-03-18T20:35:11Z— updated 2021-03-25T00:52:59Z

I get the message, I really do.

Propaganda is an instrument to turn people to your cause. There are enough examples around in our past and present. And you shouldn't draw conclusions based on looks alone. And I totally agree that it is easier to hate than to stop hating.

What I don't buy in, is that Chakotay got completely turned in, what ? Three days ? Four tops. At least that was they time we see pass. And after that short a time I don't think you can brainwash someone so drastic. They provided some explanation in the episode and, of course, you only got about 40 mins of time to deliver your story. But I think that this is an example that, when you can't make it belieavble, than don't do it.

And to be honest, they way those people talk is ridiculos. It was probably done to differentiate them from mere humans because they had no alien traits. Guess the budget went completely into the beasts who look like a cross between a Nausikan and a Predator.

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