Shout by PorterUk

Seaspiracy 2021

Starts with some overly glossy filmography that looks staged and threatens to undermine the whole thing.

It goes on though to make some extremely compelling arguments.

The solution is to eat less or no seafood. Just as the solution to wildlife destruction is to eat less or no meat.

I feel all of these documentaries are missing the point. We are responsible for the planet yet we corrupt our decision-making through capitalism and greed.

There is a way to feed everyone. We shouldn't be forced to give up meat because it is tasteless or harmful through modern farming. And we shouldn't over fish the seas such that they are breaking down.

Let's have some proposed solutions to tackle all that and the economic fallout it would lead to, that sadly is what the headlines would highlight...

If every person made better decisions, we'd still be damaging the planet. We need coordinated efforts on how to harm it the least.


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@porteruk This comment is so confusing to me. On one hand it sounds like you almost get it, that you've almost educated yourself enough to break down the walls of societal indoctrination and corporate marketing to know the difference between right and wrong and what decisions you, and others, should be making in your daily life like "no meat" but then you say "We shouldn't be forced to give up meat because it is tasteless or harmful through modern farming." which has several issues with it, one being what you are saying is literally the definition of "greed" which you just finished saying was a bad thing, no? and two I am befuddled by your meaning of "meat" being "tasteless" not that is a big issue at all and probably just some minor error trying to convey what you were thinking and third your belief that it is modern farming that is the issue and not animal agriculture as a whole that is the issue which isn't entirely wrong but also isn't entirely thought out either. You're on the right track but also have so much more to learn. Jump down that rabbit hole, if you dare, and see there is so much more to learn, so much more being hidden.
"If every person made better decisions, we'd still be damaging the planet." this almost sounds like an appeal to futility fallacy but then immediately after you follow it up with "We need coordinated efforts on how to harm it the least." which at least sounds like you have hope and not the defeatist attitude the first sentence gave off lol And there is in fact a coordinated effort on how to harm the least it is called the vegan community, as a matter of fact it is the very definition of the term vegan which is to do the least harm and why there is such a 'plant based' (people hate vegans so much the corporations won't use the term while advertising so they use terms like plant based instead) movement happening right now across the globe whether people are doing it for their health, for the environment, to combat global warming, to prevent zoonotic diseases which cause pandemics (like the one we're in right now) or because they are against animal cruelty.
You do have me extremely interested now in watching this doc however since I noticed you used the term "over fish" which is just an industry ploy to get people to believe eating fish is still okay it's just eating too much that is the problem which makes me wonder what exactly did the doc talk about, if anything at all, as far as "overfishing" is concerned and the marketing used by the industry?!
Remember that rabbit hole I mentioned? It's deep my friend... very deep lol
Take the red pill and come on in :)

@veganaf Thank you for taking the time to reply as it clearly means a great deal to you and you have taken time out of your day to do so. The immensely patronising tone though, I do not condone.

As a 40 year old who has learnt over time and experimentation that his body no longer responds well to meat, my views are spawned primarily from my own health. The growing awareness throughout my lifetime to the damage we are doing to the planet does obviously affect my decision-making and I'm conscious to affect the planet less.

I identify as plant-based because I eat just like that - plant based. Not vegan. Not completely flesh free (as I eat some fish once or twice a month). In fact, I believe veganism is wrong for the human body. We evolved eating occasional animal product and I don't understand how we should now give all that up. I belive the recent trend of the last century or so to eat copious amounts of meat each day is incredibly harmful to the body, not to mention the impact that industry then has on the planet.

A young child nowadays though should still be raised eating a diet augmented with small amounts of meat and fish - I firmly believe - such that their body is given the inputs it evolutionarily expects. As a grown adult, then make your own decisions as the calorific and nutrient and intestinal requirements are not the same anymore. Autophagy and maintenance become the name of the game.

As for the documentary, once you've actually watched it then you will see that my comments were broader than the documentary itself. As denoted, I spoke in summary about the multitude of documentaries that have come out in the last decade.

I'll reiterate what I have said in previous reviews but more sharply - it is deluded to think the world's populations will give up eating meat and fish. Deluded. Just look at the role of food in most cultures - dishes I wouldn't go near are a rite of passage in some cultures. That thinking will not be turned around.

The effort should be directed to reduction. Not elimination. Reducing animal/fish consumption across the board would allow for a balance to return. And I know you'll argue that a balance isn't 'sustainable' but I'm afraid it is. The world has balanced one predators need to eat another entity for the lifetime of the planet.

So no red pills here. As with anything in life, there is no black or white that explains or fixes everything. Life is yin and yang. Life lives in the grey.

All power to you and your choices. I'll continue to make mine as I see fit with the evidence that I have in front of me, just as you have with yours.

@porteruk "I'll continue to make mine as I see fit with the evidence that I have in front of me, just as you have with yours." this is why you need more evidence, you clearly don't have it all, and having it all would have prevented you... perhaps... from saying most of what you said but that's a journey you need to take on your own and you're not going to believe anything I give you so I appreciate the fact you are at least trying and say good day to you :)
