This episode was lots of dirt flying everywhere, the sound of shots being fired and people yelling.

It's all very confusing, and the fact that it feels like there's 50 different characters doesn't help.The ony face/name connection I can make is Winters'. Of all the other's I have no idea who is who.

I do like how it's all very desaturated. It gives the show this bleak, old-timey feeling.

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@abtr I also feel the same. I can't seem to remember their names or make a connection with their faces! Lots of things are going around but none seem to interest me. Dull cinematography IMO

@computechnopro I got bored of the same thing happening again and again and quit watching the show. If you manage to make it to the end, and it ends up getting better, please do let me know.

The desaturation does make the show look dull, but I think it's very much done on purpose to convey this feeling of utter hopelessness. In that sense, it's a great directorial choice.

@abtr The ony face/name connection I can make is Winters'. Of all the other's I have no idea who is who.

It's interesting you see it that way because I always thought this is how it's supposed to be. I watch it for the third time and I always felt the story is told through Winter's eyes. In war soldiers come and go and you do forget a lot of them.
I don't know if you continued watching but if not I think you should. Granted, this show is not for everyone. But I think it's one of the best that's ever been produced.

@finfan that's an interesting point, and not something I'd considered. I hadn't continued watching, since I'd found the show a bit repetitive for my liking, but I may try watching a couple more episodes to see if it manages to pique my interest.

@abtr Yes, it is repetitive. That's also the nature of war. But I also think this isn't so much about war as it is about the people who lived through it. I do understand though that this isn't for everyone. I have an interest in that part of history and therefore know what really happened. Maybe that's why it resonates more with me.
