A rather dull return-to-form sort of episode, it was alright. Lucifer didn't realize it but he debunked his own claim before having even issued it thanks to Amenadiel giving an affirmative answer to his questions on Charlie; we even see Amenadiel's conviction later when he pleads with his father to render him mortal instead of his son so Charlie would be spared the suffering all humans go through. Amenadiel is evidence that the "apples" are capable of love, and so the "tree" must be as well.

I suppose this will be one of the last stops in Lucifer's journey of self-discovery, where he will have to yet again prove to himself that he is not as he thinks he is, with the eventual goalpost being making peace with his father once he makes that realization. Oh well, I'm on board, it should be interesting watching his growth.

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