Shout by KyriaCrosszeria

Lucifer: Season 5

5x11 Resting Devil Face

I'm not convinced by this season.../part of the season. :confused:
I'm deeply annoyed and frustrated with how they're writing and portraying god, and I'm not even Christian whatsoever. Which maybe makes it even sadder. For the universe in which Lucifer plays out, that particular god being the most almighty being that created everything yada yada etc etc to have such little character is just... insulting. I mean it would be insulting to any god portrayed, really. The whole thing with him being vengeful and all, I'll take that. But now he's just being right out stupid. He's being an annoying, awkward old man, not a god. If that's the point they're trying to deliver here, then the delivery is weak. It has no ground to stand on. xoxo and slushies... seriously, just... :face_vomiting:
All the other characters are doing fine. Just cancel God already, please, and safe the show.

So yeah. This has been really disappointing so far.

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