Shout by FinFan

Loki: Season 1

1x03 Lamentis

I must be one of the few who gets nothing out of this show. I think it's boring, unfunny, I don't like Loki (either one) and quite frankly I don't like the whole concept of the TVA.

But, hey, it's allright. Not everything is for everyone.

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@finfan The Disney+ TV series are actually mini-series whose purpose is to promote the MCU's upcoming movies, by giving a show to the side characters. The reason why the show's quality is not 10/10 but people still love it is because the budget is really high because they spend millions on each mini-series, they do this because it works like an ad. You have no idea how much big companies like Disney spend every year on ad campaigns to get more people to give them money.

The main reason why I like this show is because it has Tom Hiddleston, it has amazing CGI, it has Owen Wilson and it is really entertaining. However, it will never be in my top 5 or even in my top 10 of TV shows. To me, even Smallville is better than this, and that is because, just like MCU movies, MCU shows are only good in entertainment value. I mean this in the sense that you can watch Marvel movies a lot of times but after a while, you start to get bored because you know everything that is going to happen and it becomes ordinary, the CGI looks good, but it's not a masterpiece of story telling, soundtrack or writing.

This is why some people don't like Marvel movies, and most people who like such movies tend to be superhero fans, or at the very least, science fiction fans (I am both).

So the show is fun but it's not doing anything groundbreaking except in the CGI department and cast, but that is just because it has a good budget. I also found that the writing in Wandavision was very weak, and it was only enjoyable because of Elisabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany and the CGI of their characters' powers.


Thanks for your reply.

I understand what you're saying and I don't disagree. I actually was done with Marvel after Endgame and had no further interest in the franchise. I watched WandaVison and Falcon because I have Disney+ and I actually enjoyed both for different reasons.
I also do understand the shows are laying the groundwork for Marvel's next phase of movies and that is why they probably not all work well stand-alone. Nevertheless having just good CGI and a good cast isn't cutting it for me. I don't feel engaged to the story or connected to the characters.
But like I said it is a very personal view and I'm not dissing the show. I'm shure there are other shows I like where people don't understand why.


Reply by DAVY X


I love your comment, my thoughts as well
Glad I'm not the only one.
