Shout by Caesar

Dead Snow 2009

Catching up before it's leaving Shudder UKI. Dead Snow is a low budget Norwegian horror comedy about medical students vacation being cut short by an army of Nazi zombies. I actually had more fun with this than I expected. It delivers exactly what I want from a zombie film. Hilarious, creative and fabolously campy with over the top gore and incredibly epic kills. Clearly draws inspiration from The Evil Dead but it takes place on icy landscape instead and puts some of its unique spins into it. Thankfully, the comedy and the horror both work in this and the speedy pace makes it very enjoyable. It wasn't really deep into the characters development but enough to keep you interested. They all act so dumb but not in an irritating way. The practical and bloody effects are done incredibly well, the moment a head is being split into half is worth mentioning. Oh and also that death metal score! What else could you want?

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