Review by FinFan

Road to Perdition 2002

This movie is listed as #21 of Tom Hanks' most successful movies by box office numbers and I don't get it.

Personally it is one of my favorites from him. It is not your usual Tom Hanks movie which is why I like it even more. Hanks, like always, delivers a great performance. He plays pretty much a bad guy but one you can sympathize with as he isn't intentionally evil. He's a victim of the circumstances and times he grew up and just wants to provide for his family. The movie uses the action scenes well as this isn't a revenge movie as such. Action is there when it is needed and not as a means to an end. It is mainly about the characters, about the relationship between father and son. Or fathers and sons for that matter.

Jude Law's character is really creepy and we have the great Paul Newman in one of his last physical roles on screen.

The film did age really well due it not being CGI and you will be able to watch it ten or twenty years from now and still enjoy it. It looks believable because of all the old cars they used and the set dressing. Hall even got the Oscar for Best Cinematography.

Like I said, the movie deserves more recognition.

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