Review by dgw

Stargate SG-1 1997


Review by dgw

Average season rating: 7.6
(Adding up my over 200 individual episode ratings by hand would be much too tedious.)

I'd give this show two different ratings if I could—one for the original cast, and another for the "shaken up" cast following Richard Dean Anderson's departure. While there were more casting changes, the big shift in SG-1's ninth season was the only one that really felt like it changed the show's core feel.

Putting mathematical averages aside, rated alone, I would give the first eight seasons a solid 8.5 or 9 (out of 10) just on the basis of the main characters and their interactions. That even includes the one season with Corin Nemec instead of Michael Shanks, because Jonas was just as delightful a character to watch as Dr. Jackson. Of course the early seasons had some growing pains in developing both characterizations and continuity, but taken as a whole the show was just fun to watch then.

As for the two seasons after the show's soft-reboot, I'd award maybe 6.5 on a good day. Season 9 in particular felt like the first season again, in that the writers had so much work to do building relationships between the old and new characters. It was growing pains all over again, only this time there was none of Jack's cheek to distract the viewer and no Daddy Hammond to watch over the team. While I did eventually come to appreciate Vala as a character—she came a long way from her flat, annoying, guest star role in the eighth season—neither General Landry nor Colonel Mitchell ever reached even the same galaxy of appeal as the characters they replaced.

Overall, I do still very much thing that SG-1 is worth watching in its entirety. Those last two seasons are fine if one approaches them as a new show (and I've seen bits and bobs about that being the original intent).

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