What the hell does "This place is deader than a Texas salad bar" even mean? :joy: Please try to make sense, Mr. Shaft.

Almost a season ago (https://trakt.tv/comments/388513) I was pretty annoyed that Vala had stuck around. At the time, her character felt shallow—and static. Since then, I'm quite pleasantly surprised that the writers turned her around into someone capable of growing and changing, someone with a conscience and a sense of the greater good. So what if her jokes still aren't funny? :grin:

Meanwhile, I still haven't figured out exactly why the creative team puts her in twintails most of the time. Best I can think of is that it's to emphasize Vala's playful, often childish attitude—which works, but doesn't mesh quite as well as the flippancy they were probably trying to replace since O'Neill/RDA left the cast.

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@dgw Really, you didn't get the comment about the salad bar in a state known for its meat? I seriously hope that was sarcasm.


OPReply by dgw

@wpafbo79 The Texans I've spent the most time with are vegetarian lmao, it slipped my mind entirely :see_no_evil:
