Shout by marga rosa

The Protégé 2021

The movie is ok, a guess. A lot of good action scenes, capitalizing the fact tha Maggie Q use to be Nikita in another life.
I get that Michael Keaton is a household name and all of that... but that was a little bit cringy for me. I'm all about diferent type of couples, and i don't wanna sound prudish or anything but he's too old for Maggie Q to make any sense. I din't like that paring at all, and it took me away from the movie big time. Maybe with an actor not 28 years older than the female lead it would have made more sense to me. Or maybe I don't find Michael Keaton with that kind of appeal ...

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@marguis Although I like Keaton, I have to agree on the age gap being a slight problem here.

@marguis My thoughts exactly. He wasn't believable as a seducer and doesn't look like someone she'd go for. I'm guessing they'd rather have cast the likes of Hugh Jackman or Henry Cavill but didn't have the budget.
