Review by Martin Sestrimski

Parasite 2019

"Parasite" caused quite a stir with its Best Picture win, but it was damn worth it. I went in it blind and came out absolutely floored. "Parasite" follows an unemployed family who get themselves involved in quite the peculiar situation. The less you know, the better. This is a film that will make you laugh, gut you with its drama, and leave you gasping with its shocking moments. Let me divide my reviews based on these three factors.

The humour is biting. Park So-dam probably stood out the most to me here in regards to how cunning and filled with personality her character was. "Parasite" is very much dark comedy, you have to be a little horrible to laugh at the antics on-screen. It's so unashamed in the events that transpire and goes along with them, meanwhile building up the foundation of what is to come.

Thematically, the film examines the class divide between the poor and the rich. A classic topic to explore, yet one that is very crucial to our modern world and has a lot of power if exectued properly. "Parasite" doesn't paint a narrative of the rich being these horrible tyrants and the poor facing them as the mistreated rebels. Quite the opposite, the downtrodden behave like animals, all for a chance at having a piece of the pie that is wealth. Morality is grey and you won't see the film taking a side. It simply is. Here is the reality many are facing in South Korea. This is what would happen if some were placed in this situation. It's outlandish, but grounded in reality. When it takes itself seriously, the movie touches on a person's innermost humanity. All we really dream of is a life of beauty and peace, one where we can be our best selves. Sadly, that isn't what the lottery always gives you.

Lastly, the shock. The horror. "Parasite" is a thriller on top of everything else, and it takes its time to show this nature. I have not felt so horrible watching something since some of Game of Thrones' most riveting episodes. It's that good. The story takes unexpected turns and is able to completely satisfy the viewer with all of them, never utilising its schticks for cheap shock value.

Please watch "Parasite", see for yourself. It's a thoroughly engaging ride that was never not interesting to me. I didn't mention that the acting was superb, the cast really add layers to those they portray. The music adds very nicely to film's moments. Outstanding cinematography. "Parasite" truly is a masterpiece, deserving of all its recognition. A layered movie that never ceases to be fun. Bong Joon-ho was able to craft a modern classic.

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