Shout by Simon Massey

Batman 1989

Somewhat overshadowed by Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, It is hard to remember what a huge blockbuster this was in 89. Watching it nearly 30 years later, the film is a triumph of production design and iconography with a musical score that has stood the test of time almost as much as Williams' Superman theme. It's easy to forget how controversial Keaton's casting was, but he is great as both Batman and Bruce Wayne. The pre digital effects may have aged a little and the action sequences were always fairly tame, but Burton utilises the sets, costumes and props to great effect, drenching the film in smoke and shadows and producing some iconic moments, from Batman's first and final appearance in the film, to the Batmobile racing through a forest and the Batplane soaring in silhouette across the moon all set to one of Elfman's best scores (Forget Prince, Danny Elfman is the true musical hero of this and the sequel). Still great fun!

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