Review by Marc Friedolin

4400 2021

--- This is only about the Pilot so far, I'm unsure if I'll watch more --

Prelude: Well, its a CW show but there has been stuff on CW I liked so I'll give it a shot

For the first 3 Minutes literally every character who could be important (with the exception of the husband of one probably main character whom we get so see for maybe 5 seconds) is black. Not a mixture of different races - ALL of them are black.
There are so many black people involved, that round about the 10 minute mark they have one of the characters actually say "There are white folks here too"!
Now there is nothing wrong with that - there are good shows where white people are only background noise. But when they aren't on OWN, I get suspicious...

At 10 minutes my suspicions are confirmed. A woman who comes from a time where black people weren't allowed to vote is complaining about the lack of progress.
I mean, what the fuck?!? First of all, she didn't have the chance to see anything yet - how would she know???
I think someone from that period of time (when people got arrested for sitting in a diner where only white people were allowed) would probably be amazed that none of the "white folks" is complaining about being forced to stay in the same room than the black people.

I'm not saying, that this is something white americans should be proud of, since it shouldn't have been that way in the first place - but someone from that period of time would definitely notice.

Thinking about it, how is it, that none of the white folks are complaining? I mean there have to be some from the same period of time right?

At 14 Minutes, Keisha asks if they should believe that they don't know what happened to them.
After interviewing more than 10 people, she should have realised (even if she is too lazy to read their files), that they haven't aged a day!!!
So what should they know about?
She is generally pretty unlikeable.

And it only gets worse from there.

The "people in charge" make decisions based on what the writers need to push their agenda.
And the agenda is: "White people want black people to suffer".
Take the piano-scene for example.

It would make sense to let them use it and be happy, which would actually make their job easier - especially considering that they already had a screaming match a few minutes before.
Instead they choose to put gasoline on the fire they should be putting out.

If there wasn't an original show they stole the actual idea from, I'd give it a 7/10.
Since I can't give the show credit for the general idea, its a 5/10.

Despite the preaching, there are some interesting characters (although the writers chose to mostly focus on the terrible ones) and the acting is decent for the most part.

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