Shout by Deleted

Death Note 2006


Shout by Deleted

Truly anime at its best and very accessible if people are turned off to common anime tropes and are looking for entry to it. It is a high stakes crime suspense/drama that is one of the best iterations of cat-and-mouse style narratives I’ve seen to this day. This is the type of series you can’t just watch one episode of, you’ll find yourself binging even if you don’t have the time, just to satisfy each cliffhanger that leaves more hanging than the last.

While it prides itself in logical detective suspense, there are also supernatural elements that add another layer. However, the fantasy side of the story only compliments where the core of the appeal of the show lies, which is a chess-like rat race to the finish.

I rated it a 9 because as a long time fan who’s seen this show through many times, you do find many cases of plot armor and convenience throughout the series. But don’t let that deter you, as a first watch it’ll still be one of the most thrilling rides you’ll experience!

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