Shout by Jim222001

Legend 1985

I never realized the reviews were so bad but critics just hated most of the classic Fantasy movies of the 80’s.
I mean, some how Gene Siskel considered this a 0.5 movie and Willow the worst movie of 1988. The 80’s though was the second best decade for Fantasy movies next to the 2000’s.
The visuals do get in the way sometimes. I mean in earlier scenes it’s like Ridley Scott was just shining a flashlight in Tom Cruise’s face. As well as covering his face in glitter. There’s also distracting bubbles floating all over the place in one scene.
For a PG movie it is mostly for adults since it is too dark and creepy for children. Even the good elves are the stuff of nightmares. The make-up for Tim Curry is still amazing and he of course steals the show easily.
Since Tim Cruise is about as miscast as he was in The Mummy. Mia Sara is perfectly cast though and feels like a live action Disney Princess. The musical score is perfect as well.

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