We need to pause and appreciate the significance of what De Palma has done in The Untouchables. He has achieved the rare feat of taking a movie that should've been 90 minutes, turned it into 120, and made it feel like 150. Connery is the only great thing in this film. De Niro, Costner and Garcia are comically bad. The score is excurciating. Camerawork is cheesy. And the moral of the story is that moral policing is dumb, dumb, dumb. Liked it a lot when I was 13. Not so much anymore.
Story: 6...glorifying the earlier version of America's stupid drug war
Script: 7
Performances: 6...Connery carries it alone
Misc.: 5
Influence: 8...for some reason this is still impactful
Overall: 6

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