Shout by Kitthren

House: Season 2

2x01 Acceptance is this. why is foreman's character now being statisticized? last season it felt like they did everything to avoid him being written as a statistic black man and now, all in one episode, he's got a gang tattoo, has stolen a car and been to juvie in his youth. they even got a shiny new g-funk intro to go with it!

also cameron's character development here regressed? the whole first season established her incompetence with not being able to confront patients with bad news and after all that, now she can't mention or tell one patient they have cancer??

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He was said to have gone to juvie and stolen a car last season too. Just not focused on as much

@kitthren He's always had the tattoo. His past has been mentioned before, the "street life"
