After watching this back then I bought the book and became and instant Clancy fan.
Althought the movies in general can´t reach up to the books because those are too complex there are some really good ones. Red October definately belongs into that category. It´s a classic cold war thriller with lots of suspension. Highly entertaining with great actors. Joh McTiernan did a great job of mixing the elements together.
But as mentioned I recommend checking out Clancys books if you like this kind of storys. Especially the early ones of which a lot of the movies are based on are great.

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@finfan I picked up the book at a train station before a 9 hour journey home a few weeks after the film was released. Couldn't put it down and immediately looked up his other work. Read everything he wrote up until The Bear and the Dragon and some 20 years later I'm starting to re-read them.
