More pieces of the puzzle but still no full picture developing.

It actually wasn't too bad. We see more of Q, which is a good thing given deLancies great performance. Concerning Q: Why would he rip himself of his own power in a scenario he himself created ? Doesn't make sense and suggest that someone else is involved ?

So, Laris isn't Laris but a supervisor like Gary Seven. That's an interesting angle that I hope get's further developed than just this short mentioning. I'm also getting some Edith Keeler vibes with Renee Picard in the sense that she was essential for the timeline. Interestingly Keeler's survival would have let probably to the same future as Renee not making the flight. Coincidence ?

The ICE storyline is hopefully done with and it was obviously just there to make a point. Let's leave it at that.

I don't like the Jurati plot because I don't like Jurati. And I'm dissapointed in how they used the Borg Queen so far. But that's just me personally.

Bringing in Brent Spiner as another Soong ancestor is a nice angle that, in a way, gives more depth. Althought I fear he's just a tool here. And Isa Briones finally got to make her appearance in this timeline, too.

One thing that pains me to say a bit is that it feels that Patrick Stewart seems exhausted in almost every scene he's in. It could be intentional in how he plays Picard as a fragile old man. I hope it is because otherwise it would mean it's too much for him. Which could be normal given his age but makes me wonder about his involvement in season 3.

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@finfan Problem is that with the events of the previous season, Picard now has a android body so he shouldn't be getting tired like that.

@medous You're absolutely right. But maybe it's a build in feature to make him appear more human. :wink::laughing:
The way the were writing this I wouldn't be surprised.

@finfan You're right, I had forgotten that when the body was made last season, it was mentioned that it would function like an actual human body, no super android strength and other enhancements, that it would even age to Picard's expected life span. Picard had made a comment about this asking if he couldn't have been given 10 more years.
