I'll be very, very careful to give this pilot episode too much praise as I've been burned twice in the past already.

I do like the episodic format, that's a step in the right direction. That doesn't rule out an overlaying thread developing, though. The way they displayed Pike's struggle with the knowledge of his impending death was the highlight for me especially since I just happened to watch "The Menagerie" a few days back. Anson Mount picks his portrayal of Pike up where he left it. And he really bears a good resemblance to Jeffrey Hunter.

The story was OK althought, again not really subtle in delivery. But I guess in a pilot the introduction and establishing of characters is more important, anyway. The look is good, you can clearly identify where the designs come from. But why has every room on the ship to be soo huge ? They do look bigger then on a Galaxy Class ship and that was many times the size.

There were some things I didn't like and maybe that's just me being cautious. All in all, not over the moon, but they literally just left spacedock.

So, let's boldy go where no one has gone before. And don't repeat the errors of recent incarnations (and that's a very personal point of view).

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@finfan this episode was kinda soft, like they didn't want to risk too much. But they're clearly aiming for the older Trek audience with this one. I took the bait, so let's keep our fingers crossed and hope this one also won't turn into a turd in space!

Still have season 2 of Picard to watch, not sure if I should bother with it (just finished STD - yes, I'm still watching that space turd, it's very shiny and polished and bright).

@misnomer Taking no risks. I think that's pretty much spot on. They are walking on egg shells with this series.

Personally I'd say you should skip Picard, and that's coming from a Picard/Stewart fan. But I'd never discourage someone from watching something so, go on. You'll find out why I don't like it in the comments. I'm done with Discovery for good since the end of S3. I've been told from my fellow Star Trek friends it's become a glorified soap opera.

@finfan For the first time since the old Trek shows, I saw a captain I wanted to see: someone who is not perfect, that have some personal doubt, but he is able to do the right thing at the right moment: an example for the crew and the audience.

I really liked Uhura and she feels like a nice companion for this journey. Not so much La'an: even knowing her backstory at the end of the episode, avoiding the sedative felt useless. It would have been nice to see a complication with the serum, maybe because of her species (just inventing stuff...), so nurse Chapel needs to inject the genome modification without sedative. Showing that La'an can endure so much pain, with a reason behind it, it would have made the character more interesting, especially in relation to her backstory. Her confrontation with Chief Kyle was really out of place and very similar to what I don't like in these new series.

Nurse Chapel felt really funny, for now so different from the original one. But it's fine.

Let's see how it goes.
