I think Hemmer will become my favorite charachter on this show. Hopefully we'll see more of him.

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@finfan I might have to go with Nurse Christine Chapel first but he might win out. I like them all and that is a good sign.

@kryptwalker I like Hemmer because he's from a species we don't know much about, yet. I like his style and humor, he's not as polished as the usual Starfleet personel. But I'm sure he's very loyal.
Other then him, Pike and I'm slowly getting used to Peck as Spock. The rest I don't care about so far. Chapel is OK, Jess is a good casting choice. But I didn't like each and everyone on the other shows, so I'm fine.

@finfan Hemmer kinda seems like the Jett Reno of the Enterprise. I don't care much for him (for now), but I care a lot for Jett Reno. Maybe he'll grow on me. But the nurse sure is peaking my interest. And I really like this Spock, probably more than the Spock from the more recent movies. And I'm rambling, now.

@misnomer Please, keep on rambling. Always love to talk Trek.

Never came to my mind to make a comparison between Hemmer and Reno but I guess you could say that. I never liked Reno but it's cool that everyone has his favorite.
Nimoy's shoes were always difficult to fill. Maybe I had a problem with Peck because I had a problem with Discovery in general. Maybe his part is better written for SNW. Could be a bit of both.

@finfan Nice episode, the story was fascinating and I like the characters are progressing. I hope Dr. M'Benga will find a cure for her daughter.
Also, really nice effects, I'm impressed. The visuals are really good, and also nice to look at.
