Review by Alexandra E

The Marksman 2021

Honestly, I expected this to be some crap Eastwood knockoff with more action since it's Neesom of how the white guy is a jackass who thinks he's better than everyone else and manages to "save" some kid while reinforcing racist stereotypes of hate of the Hispanic community.

So yes, a white guy, Neesom, does save a Hispanic kid. No, it's really not an action flick. It's more a mission of redemption. A couple of the parts could've been better written, especially the part in the church, but the part before that about the dog is touching as Neesom's character realizes his own selfishness. Neesom plays that moment perfectly.

If you are hoping for your racist bias to be reinforced here, this movie will disappoint, enough I suspect to whine and cry about lack of this or that in the comments about everything else but the heart strings it pulls against those biases.

It's a good drama, well acted, very good chemistry between Neesom and the young man, Jacob Perez. I like many of the other ratings was expecting it to be racist reinforcement garbage, only I was pleasantly surprised to see it wasn't.

It's a movie about redemption and hope. and there it definitely delivers.

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