The look of the planet reminded me of the Underworld project by George Lucas that never saw daylight. That's a nice recognition. But everything looks kinda small. I mean, I know they are filming in the Volume but it looks actually like you can see the walls.
Little Leia is a bit of a loudmouth but it goes along with what she's been in the trillogy. Hearing the voice of the clone almost made me shriek but it couldn't have been Rex, could it ? That would be to much of a coincidence.
Still don't like the sister who comes along as a pretender, a wannabe. To be given the task by Vader to find Kenobi seems like a long shot.
Ewan is carrying this so far and I guess everything is gearing up towards the meeting between Kenobi and Vader. And that will be the make or break moment for the entire series.

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