Shout by FinFan

He's back ! Vader enters the picture and immediately the heat is literally turned up. One shot, one breath of him has more weight as ten minutes from the Third Sister.
I had not imagined that him and Obi-Wan would meet that early. And now we have the question of continuity. There has to be another meeting because that one could not have been what Vader was describing in Ep IV (with Obi-Wan being the Master and he the apprentice). Yes, those things matter to me. But as one-sided as the duel here was it had me on the edge of my seat. The lightsabers in the dark, the musical score, Vaders voice - that was an amazing sequence.

How on earth did Reva get past Leia ? There is one tunnel leading to where the pilot was waiting and she had to pass Leia to get there first. Yet she was there waiting, the pilot already dead.

All in all by far the best episode. Obi-Wan talking about Padme and his memories of his own family was another great scene.

Now I'm hyped.

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@finfan I was confused on the tunnel as well.

@finfan The tunnel part was so confusing, Tala goes back and reaches Obi-Wan, Leia just runs foward and through the same tunnel Reva gets in front of her? That could have been explained so much better, like showing Leia have to choose one of two paths of a bifurcation. But the episode was so hype!

@finfan yay, we disagree! This show has been nothing but fanservice with a dumbed down Obi-Wan (and plot, in general). They noticed how much success a cute little guy with the main protagonist made in The Mandalorian, and now they're trying to repeat the formula with this one. Except Leia is way more annoying than she is cute. The introduction of Darth Vader in this episode was absolutely great, but then his scene with Obi-Wan looked like it was fan made. I couldn't feel any tension or sense of danger from that "fight", whatsoever. Maybe because we know the fate of those characters. But, still, I think of all the three main new Star Wars series, this one has been the most dull of all.

@theavereviewer my theory (having only just seen it) was she entered from another safe house. I felt we were intentionally tricked but had clues to work it out. If not it's a big plothole.

@finfan I liked this episode, it was fascinating and I liked the mini road movie with Kenobi e Leia.
I also like the journey from this Obi-Wan to the one we saw in Episode IV. I think we are almost there.

Unfortunately I don't like Vader like I used to, since Episode III. When there was only the Original Trilogy and the prequels were only a dream, I saw a man that believed in bringing order to the galaxy, but wasn't too happy with the Empire. He wasn't impressed with the Death Star, in Episode V he basically killed imperials instead of rebels and the redemption in Return of the Jedi was good, but a backstory was probably needed.
In Episode III we (kind of) see him killing younglings, in this episode he is so cruel, killing the kid that was going out to check on his dad. Then we hear the wife\mother crying...
I know he did this to lure Obi-Wan to show up, but I liked Vader when he wasn't so relentless, at least on my mind.
It's not the series' fault, he is like this from the prequels... but I respected the character more when he wasn't so cruel, when he was a guy thinking he was doing the right thing, disappointed from democracy and using the dark side because it seemed like the only opion to end wars and conflicts on the galaxy. I believed him when he tried to convert Luke at the end of Ep. V in bringing peace to the galaxy.

But it's just my opinion as a viwer, I'm not a storyteller. I just don't think the redemption is possible when you kill children.

P.S.: I like how Obi-Wan describes the Force to Leia, it's a new way to see it.

@aztele could be. But I would have to watch it again with that in mind to see if this would work. There is also the problem with Tala going back trough the tunnel and not meeting Reva. So, yeah, either we use imagination to explain all this or it's a huge plothole.

@misnomer Nothing wrong with disagreeing. It's always the starting point for discussion.

I thought about your points and althought I never saw it as a copycat from Mando I see where you come from. Not sure it's intentional but it could be. I can't fully grasp why you think Obi-Wan is "dumped down". I think his state of mind at this point is completely understandable and in line with his portrayal in Ep IV. Sure, Leia is annoying, on that we do agree. But I feel the little actress is overplaying her by design.
Now, on the part of danger towards certain characters - yes. That's a problem because that's already been established. And I doubt even Disney can kill them off premature. They already add a lot to the story and I'm not sure it will work.
But I've always been a Vader fan from the moment I saw him first on screen, me being eleven years old. And while my friends wanted to be Jedi or Skywalker or Solo, I wanted to play Vader all the time.
So, forgive me for being biased and that I totally freaked out to see him back. :wink:

@finfan The Third Sister went around, on the surface (probably via speeder) to the Port end of the tunnel. (That's the actual question - how did she find the entrance on that side?) When Reva finds the tunnel Leia/Tala used she turns back and leaves. It's pretty obvious she never went in the tunnel in the first place.

@velvetthunder I wouldn't say it's "pretty obvious" but at least it would be an explanation. Althought I'm not comfortable with the kind of storytelling where I have to explain every plothole or logical error the writers were simply to lazy to take care of. And sadly there are quite a few.
