Best episode ever because lightsaber fight !

Seriously ?! It was in parts better but it couldn't save the show as a whole.

OK, I admit I was wrong and there was another match between them. And it was better then the first. But no stupid writing ? Why did Vader just leave Obi-Wan under the rocks ? He couldn't feel he was still alive ? Well, he couldn't feel him sneaking up behind him, couldn't he ? But he knew he was on the little ship. And if that is how it went down why didn't Obi-Wan just kill Vader right there? Could have saved the galaxy lots of trouble. He clearly had accepted that Anakin was gone, he even called him "Darth" (which by the way is wrong because that's a title, the name would be Vader). And they now established that the Empire, and Vader, knew all the time that Kenobi was alive and where he was.

Luke having no memory of being chased in the night by a lady with a crimson lightsaber ? OK, maybe it's one of those selected memory losses.

Reva standing on the surface of Tattoine after taking a lightsaber in her guts just mere hours before ? How is that not convinient writing ? And wanna bet we see her again? Maybe in a spin-off?

Qui-Gon appearing at the end was nice but ultimately useless. This final episode was just ticking up boxes to preserve canon but it also creates logical errors by doing so. And there was never any danger towards the characters.

Hindsight is always 20/20 but after watching what I had high hopes for, I can only say it would have been better it didn't happen.

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@finfan The episode was nice, for me in almost every way. I can not ignore some bad points about some episodes, but I generally enjoyed the series.

One issue I have with the fight. It was nice, even with shaky cameras you know I don't like, but there is a dialogue in ROTJ which is very important:

Luke: "Come with me"
Vader: "Obi Wan once thought as you do"

There is no Obi Wan trying to bring Vader to the light, even after seeing the face of Anakin again. I wanted the fight to end with Obi Wan believing that Vader could turn to the light again... maybe having a vision of the future where Anakin kills the Emperor. That would have been a nice explanation for Kenobi to leave Vader\Anakin to his destiny, like he's leaving Luke to his destiny, without forcing the training of the boy.

Even Luke, after trying and thinking he failed, says "Then my father is truly dead". Like Obi Wan about Anakin.
But I guess it would be a problem with Obi Wan in Episode VI where he says "(Vader) is more a machine than a man".
I also think it is a nice recurring motif to leave each other, in a conscious way or not, almost dying, avoiding to give the final strike.

Calling him Darth is probably a reference to A New Hope, where Kenobi calls Vader like that.

@finfan many justified points here which I don't want to discredit. But Obi Wan calls Vader "Darth" in A New Hope as well. It feels weird to hear after having watched the prequels but "Darth" as a title was established way after Darth Vader being named. I personally always imagine Obi Wan saying the title in kind of a sarcastic, derogatory way to make it fit.


Calling him Darth is probably a reference to A New Hope, where Kenobi calls Vader like that.

OK, that slipped my mind. Could be, yes.

I wanted the fight to end with Obi Wan believing that Vader could turn to the light again... maybe having a vision of the future where Anakin kills the Emperor.

There's an idea I could get behind. That's actually a great thought. Or it could have been Qui-Gon's voice telling him "He will bring balance to the Force, Obi-Wan". That would mean, though, they had used Qui-Gon more in the show. At least put something in to make sense of that decision to leave him alive. He went in with a "either he dies or I do" attitude and when he has Vader beaten he just leaves.


But Obi Wan calls Vader "Darth" in A New Hope as well. It feels weird to hear after having watched the prequels but "Darth" as a title was established way after Darth Vader being named

Yes, you're right on both accounts. I admitted in the other reply that slipped my mind.

I personally always imagine Obi Wan saying the title in kind of a sarcastic, derogatory way to make it fit.

Never saw it that way but I like that angle.

@finfan The Qui Gon idea is actually great!
The viewer needs something to understand why Obi-Wan goes away without finishing him, a reason behind the fact that "It's not the Jedi way" to kill a beaten enemy and the quote from Qui-Gon is really great! It's even better to the finale where we see Liam Neeson (which is always awesome to see anyway), a better use for the story and the character of his old master.


Luke having no memory of being chased in the night by a lady with a crimson lightsaber

They never show Luke seeing the lightsaber, and I think that was very intentional. Naturally Owen and Beru are also not going to say anything about it.
