Shout by Snowy_CapHaddock

The Orville: Season 1

1x07 Majority Rule

If there's one thing that I hate - and I do mean hate - is when some character does something so unbelievably forced that the only purpose can be to be the focus through which the story/episode progresses: John dancing randomly on the statue whilst everyone tells him 3 times to cut it... it was just cheap writing.

I appreciated the idea behind the episode but between that above scene and the habit they seem to have to overplay in an almost aggressive manner whenever they're talking about the possible excesses of social media... I couldn't get over it. Do you really need to have 300 phones out and quick cuts to show how frenetic and messy that world is? Maybe it was understandable the first time a show/movie depicted it, but now it's just one of those tiring tropes. Come up with something more original, or avoid it even if the topic is that one.
The apology, the drinking the whole glass of wine when shocked... blah
Only good part was the chit-chat at the table analyzing the risks of direct democracy

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