Ya know when you've had a beautiful gift you've been meaning to give someone, but you've had it for a long time and it has lots of delicate little pieces that require proper assembly, but time got away from you and now you've got to rush to put it together, then wrap it up for delivery, but you rush assemble so some screws are missing and a few integral bits get lost in a corner somewhere... and the wrapping, oh my, the wrapping looks like shit...
Yeah, that's what this is.

Ok, sure, perfection does not exist, life can be cruel and unfair... everything comes to an end, blah blah blah... and there were some good scenes in this finale, and I'm grateful the show existed at all and... * sigh * but this... because plot points and proper closure and... SPOILER - a truck?! Knowing how her parents died... Why would they do it like THAT?! For what reason?!

Look, I'll be bitter for a while.

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@van-nyx well said mate
