Shout by Andrew Bloom

[5.0/10] Not an encouraging start to the season. There’s a few decent observations here, like people’s rush to call one another Nazis at the slightest disagreement, or the way people can obstinate about not changing their positions on even trivial things for fear of seeming weak. But first and foremost, nothing here is particularly funny, which stinks for South Park. And more to the point, the show seems to get lost in its masking metaphor at some point, which is a questionable perspective to start with, and isn’t dramatized well with the whole “wearing pajamas” analogy.

The kids treating Pajama Day like the Met Gala is a mildly amusing sequence, I suppose, and there’s something interesting, albeit largely unexplored, in Wendy’s suggestion to just tell Mr. Garrison he’s right to end the issue even though they did nothing wrong. But this is largely a limp, unfocused installment, whose “opposite day” resolution seems like a cheap out for the issues the show means to address.

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