Shout by Gloom8

The Untouchables 1987


Shout by Gloom8
BlockedParent2022-09-25T20:03:20Z— updated 2023-01-27T23:29:45Z

I never encountered a movie with pretty high rating across the board, that wasn't at the very least:
- ok to watch one time;
- I can see the appeal if I saw it when it was released back in that decade. Now it drags, acting is over the top, script is too simplistic etc.
- Oh, I really like/hate the style/framing device they used. And it's really working/not working for me.

But THIS? I can't honestly wrap my mind around idea of someone finding it to be... anything.
Acting? No.
Style? No.
Script? Very funny.
Camera work? No way.
Pacing? Nah.
Sets? The ones that looked like they were on soundstage? Hell no!

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