They crammed too much into this episode. It really should have been two or three episodes. I could do without all of the romance drama. But overall, I liked what the episode did for the series and I look forward to next weeks.

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I think it was just the right amount for moving the plot forward in the show. Dutch and D'avin are both trying to figure out their past, and they just decided to go forward in both this episode.

Really? I think that the main plot of the first season is figuring out their past and breaking out to have more time could have painted a better picture for the audience. Dutch and D'avin could still have both come to the conclusion to go forward; they didn't need to do it all in one go. In this episode they threw a lot of background setting stuff at us, which makes the pacing seem off. It would have been nice to have it explained a bit more. It also would have been nice to leave a few threads as to who and why they were developing kill soldiers (they didn't have to outright answer it, but a bit more meat would have gone a long way). Because it seems like both Dutch and D'avin were someone's experiment. Like I said, I still liked the episode, but I think that the pacing was off.
