So the nuke detonation was contained inside the tunnel? no radiation leak? anyone here into the science of nukes? :grin:

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@typongtv Not a scientist, but that's why most American nuclear tests were underground. Earth is the best defense against the radioactive fallout. But in the case of the tunnel, it was open on both ends, so I don't know how effective it would have been in real life. Logic tells me that there should have been a focused cone of radiation and fire spewing out both ends. Jack Ryan and those soldiers should have boiled to death.

@aeronmelon right? Seemed unrealistic. But then, I tell myself I shouldn't expect facts from entertainment TV.

@typongtv yeah, that seemed way too unrealistic IMO (I also noted it in my review). I also don't think that we should expect much accuracy/realism from this show but I feel like they could've and should've handled this a bit better (it felt just too unrealistic in a too obvious way so that I couldn't easily ignore it - it's still fine for this show but it was distracting - at least for me).
