Filler episode that added nothing to the story long-term. Meh.

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@drive95 World-building for Part II and giving Ellie a chance to show her own mettle is filler?

This episode shows how the two have grown closer, showed Ellie dealing with a problem on her own (two including Joel), and is world building showing some of the groups of people that have come together after the “apocalypse.”

@drive95 dude, you didn't even play the game if you affirmed this was filler LMAO, if that's the case then I'm sad for you.

It seems that "filler" is the new "plothole!".

@kratoz29 That's the point. This show shouldn't be/isn't exclusively for people who've played the game, and as I have not and have no nostalgia to stroke about it... this was pretty dull.

@drive95 absolutely this. If you don't have the scaffold of the game then this show is nothing but cliche after cliche, but very nicely done.

It's not filler, but it's not great.

Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, it just confuses me that with a long journey people would think they wouldn’t run into obstacles especially in a post apocalyptic dystopian world. Makes me wonder why Peter Jackson spent 11+ hours on 3 films to tell the lord of the rings(we’re not going to talk about the hobbit)when he could have much more easily spent 30-45 minutes having Frodo walk to mount doom throw in a ring and go home.

@drive95 This is not a filler. It is in the game....ignorance.

quick question do you know what a story is?

They just copy pasted a level from the game. ... So was that venison or not?

@drive95 Go watch something else then, this isnt for you.
