Shout by dgw

Twitches 2005


Shout by dgw

Was that a Kazaam (1996) reference? Pretty sure there was a Wizards of Waverly Place reference too (Camryn lives in a neighborhood called Waverly).

Obvious callbacks to Sister, Sister (a previous co-starring role for the Mowry twins) in both how they meet, and in their adoptive families' socioeconomic statuses.

I jumped into this knowing nothing about it, other than having seen the keads' television work growing up. The writing, the villain's motivation, and the visual effects all were severely lacking. One IMDB reviewer called Thantos "zero-dimensional" and yeah, I see it. We have absolutely no idea why the villain did it.

Visual effects were shockingly bad, too, for a $20 million film. I saw individual pixels in some of the animations, but beyond that the effect designs seemed to be pulled from some catalog of five-minute magic VFX. Very disappointing.

Trite and predictable as the story is, it still has a shadow of Disney's Love Conquers All (remember Robin Hood (1973)?) optimism. Don't think Walt would have let this one out the door, honestly.

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