Shout by dgw

The Last Song 2010


Shout by dgw

Every time Blaze appears, I do a double take. (It's Darlene from Mr. Robot.)

It's fine. The romance, what's happening with the parents, everything is pretty paint-by-numbers and feels like the story goes down a list of clichés checking them off one after the other.

I thought the story could have moved along a bit faster, or kept the same runtime but added in some more background on other characters—Will's family, in particular. The most frustrating gap in the script, for me, was never even mentioning what happened with Marcus at the wedding again. I would have accepted even a passing reference, but I thought that particular event deserved a little more post hoc screen time.

The other thing bugging me is how Will's refusal to leave Ronnie alone when she repeatedly shuts him down on multiple occasions gets portrayed as this grand romantic arc, when in reality that's harassment. For that reason I low-key hate that they end up together at the end. That boy needs to listen when he's told no!

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