Review by Acoucalancha


Season 1


Review by Acoucalancha

I was a little worried they would reveal the whole mystery in the finale but thankfully they didn't. The second the puzzle pieces are all assembled this show will decline or end, as Lost did. The mystery got crazy wild in the last few episodes and i'm mostly on board. My only concern is: how ridiculous is it going to get? And if this gets many seasons (I hope it does) they need to keep the scary tone and avoid cringe with too much crazyness.

Favorite character arc was Jade, he started as this prick I didn't like but once he realized what was happening he becomes the most important character in finding a way out of this. Sheriff Boyd is such a great leader and I liked his "redeeming himself as a father" arc. The big mystery is Victor, I bet he knows pretty much everything about this place apart from a way out. Fatima is probably the character I wouldn't mind if they killed off, which means she'll be there for a while. I want more Donna and Kenny next season!!

I got the sense like giant spiders were imminent once it starts raining, judging from Victor's drawing and no way did those little spiders do all that web in the forest. Interested to see if they actually go with it, depends on the budget I guess.

A great first season, can't wait for season 2! The premiere is destined to be epic with that amazing ending.

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