Shout by Xander Nijhof

What?? No teaser? No stinger? No giant cliffhanger?

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@xander75 Maybe they aren't sure there'll be another season. I could absolutely see this being the end of this show with Mando making appearances in other creations that are yet to come. They already said he's no longer the focus of the show. And you know what, I think I would be OK with that.

@finfan I agree. I think fans hype each other up too much to a point that a movie or show can't top the expectations. This was a great episode, a bit short, but I would have liked to have seen a little tease for Ahsoka.

@finfan The Mandalorian is Disney +'s flagship series. Of course they are going to milk it to death like AMC did with The Walking Dead.

Probably wrote it this way in case it didn't get renewed

@the_argentinian There's nothing to milk. Disney+ is subscription based and this series is mainly watched by children, who do not make the financial decisions in the household. On top of that, there are now way too many titles on the service for the end of a single show to make a dent on the subscription count. There's no question that it was first released to pull in subscribers, but now that the service has flourished, the considerable budget it takes to keep this afloat is obviously starting to outweigh whatever perks remain.

@keldian TM is a kids show? that's really being clueless about the audience.
This is D+ biggest hit. I've seen more ads for it than for any other D+ Original. People subscribe for it like there's people that subscribe to Netflix for Stranger Things, regardless how many other content they have.

@the_argentinian Everything you said in your comment is false. I'm actually impressed.

@keldian the irony of a dude talking out of his ass saying this :laughing:

@the_argentinian I didn't say there won't be another season. I just mentioned it could be the last. Favreau is already writing scripts for a possible 4th season. Those could be adapted for other shows I guess. But since it is official that it's no longer Din's show and the final scenes of season three hinting he's taking a step back, a possible 4th season could be entirley about Bo Katan.
