Shout by dekztah

Silo 2023

Shout by dekztah
BlockedParent2023-05-14T20:56:40Z— updated 2023-08-15T12:22:30Z

i just don't get why people are loving this. acting is over the top, script is predictable. oh yes lets put a 56kg woman to work the machinery, while mr f**king ripped boss is just watching. 81%? imdb 8.4?

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@dekztah I love it because apocalypse is my favorite genre, but this show is different from the rest, and it also has a lot of mystery; I wouldn't say it's very predictable. If it's so predictable, then what is the truth of what's going on outside the bunker?

@dekztah i don’t get it. Why are you so angry?

@bkrnk this is just an opinion. and there was no better way to express myself other than being angry. in today's world with x million tv series that were made for people to consume, this is just the low effort segment. for me. i'm just one random person on the internet. did not want to offend anyone


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@dekztah even the books aren't that interesting tbh. Even if people haven't read those, it's still pretty obvious what's going on. Won't spoil it though.


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@jesusisking you could read the books, but even without reading them, some things are actually pretty obvious.

@dekztah I have no problem with "Suspension of disbelief" when other elements do their job inside the story... ;)

@dekztah But how do you really feel about it?
