Shout by Mab

Barry: Season 4

4x08 wow

All loose ends tied up and all correct... A very ambitious final season with a lot of twists and turns (kind of amazing how much they fit into just 4 hours), yet I wish they had a little more time so that all the character beats and payoffs felt earned. Ultimately, even a rushed version of this story is way better than many other shows out there, but the severe mood whiplash between seasons 1-3 and season 4 does leave me at a loss of how to feel at the end.

Did Bill Hader go hard in the paint in depicting the desensitization to fictional violence and the romanticization of fictional criminals in a silly comedy about a hitman trying his hand at acting? Yes. Did he beat you over the head with his message by turning this final season into a murky disillusionment soup? Absolutely. And I'm glad he did because, though it may not be the most satisfying watch, it is thought-provoking and different. I'm glad shows like Barry exist and are allowed to be creative and experimentative.

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