Wow, how the mighty have fallen. Was this season produced by the Hallmark channel? The schmaltzy music that plays in the background every other scene, the forced feel-good vibe, the corny jokes, the cringy musical interlude during this episode, that fucking Ed Sheeran montage…. it’s all so incredibly lame and cheap. Any of the sharp wit and quirk from the first two seasons has completely disappeared from the show. Instead this entire season felt like a bunch predictable, bland, sentimental nonsense made for the broadest of audiences.

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@jordyep this is what Ted Lasso always was. A corny show. That whole "Believe" thing? Please...
It never had any edge.
I don't know why would anyone have a problem with it now

@the_argentinian I won’t argue it had ‘edge’, but the comedy used to be a lot sharper and intelligent. Yes, the show was corny, but it mostly tipped in the direction of being wholesome and heartwarming. There was less of an emphasis on melodrama and sentimentality, it was more of a straightforward comedy, almost like a sports sitcom. Trust me, I rewatched the first two seasons not too long ago, they’re very different from what this is.

@jordyep The season was also a structural disaster. This finale, like many episodes, contained plenty of nice scenes, but only when taken divorced from the rest of the show. So many storylines and character 'arcs' were baffling or borderline offensive.

@jordyep yes, this! I thought I might be the only one who didnt enjoy this season.
