Indy: "Wear your jewels to bed princess?"
Willie: "Yeah... and nothing else. Shock you?"
Indy: "Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist."

The first 20-30 minutes of this are non-stop well-thought out action, it just doesn't let up. One event leads to another which leads to another. Temple of Doom for me, beats Raiders of the Lost Ark to a pulp... the kebab kill, the plane crash, the weirdly disgusting dinner, the bugs, the more macabre themes, the wagon chase, the bridge scene, the father son-ish synergy with Short Round and what a unique tone—it goes from silly to more serious to creepy to straight out comedy but I never felt like it was too much, it just gives you a bit of everything. Short Round is a great addition he's the perfect squire. Willie is incredibly annoying at times but she made me laugh more than once. Some of the sets actually look creepy with the voodoo shit, the skulls and the fire. Brillant cinematography. Incredible score. Perfect pacing. What an adventure!

I too would have passed out at the monkey brains part. Yuck!

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my opinion exactly, the dinner was indeed horrendous but immediately after that we were compensated by the "fruit" scene...if you know what i mean lol
