Shout by Feebs

I am really tired of drone episodes. That being said, I liked this episode much more than the pilot. Jane is still kinda whiny and constantly repeats "But I don't know who I am", but she felt a little bit more real this episode. If Jane really is Taylor, then they would have uncovered more in the first two episodes than all of season 1 The Blacklist or Lost. I love that the mystery is slowly being revealed right from the get-go.

The secondary characters (other agents) are taking a larger role - I hope that this continues. Series are always better when secondary characters are distinct and well-thought out. Anyways, I look forward to next weeks.

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Reply by Deleted

DNA will come back negative. it´s to soon to reveal stuff. Even if it is her.
And secondary actors taking more action / larger roles is the right formula to make this kind of shows work. a LOT of shows forget that.

You are probably right that the DNA will come back negative -- the guy following her will see to that. But the show is still giving us answers, which is awesome and unusual for a big mystery show. I hope that it continues.

Reply by Deleted

the other agent role is only to interrupt whenever Jane is about to talk about her memory of shooting the nun

Jane is always whiny. I'm looking forward to the fourth season because she's no longer Jane, and I hope it will stay that way.
